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E-Commerce Expo 2024: Driving Digital Transformation and Fostering Industry- Academic Collaboration

Scopus Update

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Call for Proposal 2024

[Call For Proposal 2023] Submission Proposal Penelitian Internal Binus T.A. 2023: 02 Des 2022 – 31 Jan 2023

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Upcoming Deadline

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Grant Opportunities

Call for Proposal: WADA 2025 Scientific Research Grants

Kedaireka: Program Dana Padanan 2025

SUMITOMO: Japan-related Research Projects

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Research and Technology Transfer Office

Research activity program and Community Service are an Obligation for every active university. Law on the National Education System (No.20/2003) article: 20, Law on the national university (12/2012), Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No 44/2015 and Ministerial Regulation No: 20/2018 stated that Research conduction activity is an obligation for every active University. University needs lecturers that have an experience and talent in producing a research proposal, conducting a research and then publish their research or creating a product that will be useful for the advancement of study and science in order to fullfill their obligation to produces a research.  BINUS University’s commitment in organizing a research activity is reflected on one of BINUS University’s purpose and mission.

Bina Nusantara University’s task and commitment in order to oblige the constitution and ministerial regulation are operated by the Vice Rector. In order to produce research activities, publication and several various output in Binus University’s environment, A center/Division named Research Technological Transfer Office is created  with the purpose of Managing every research activity and publication from the  Institutional, Bioinformatics and data science (BDSRC) and several research groups according to their specific field of study.

Therefore, research Technology Transfer Vice Rector accountability report was created which functions as a media for accountability and obligation to  the Rector of Bina Nusantara University. These are fields/aspects that needs to be achieved by the Research Technology Transfer Office division:

  • Research
  • Publication
  • Journal
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Enrichment Program Research Track
  • Students Creativity
  • Research Interest Group

Binus University primary  vision is to be a “A world-class University in continuous pursuit of innovation and enterprise”. Binus University Plan for 2010 – 2020 period is to increase the quality of graduates in order to have them prevail in an international level of work environment in the global era and for binus to be accepted as a world class university by 2020. This vision is similar with one of the visions of institution which emphasizes on “World Class University that keeps doing innovations in the field of research and publication.

These are missions that have been appointed by Binus University for 5 years which will be converted into a research roadmap in order to realize Binus University’s Vision of becoming a world class university.

  1. Giving Recognition and awards for the creative and achieving lecturers and researchers which increase the value of Binus university
  2. Accomodate an experience in conducting an international level research which emphasizes on the new invention of Science, Innovation and Enterpreneurship
  3. Building a synergy between lecturers in order to produce a cross subject/field of study research
  4. Producing a Science and Technology based research as the main characteristic of Binus University
  5. Increase the quality of research which will be contributed to the advancement of Indonesia and international world

Tasks and obligations in fullfilling the Vision and Mission of Binus University are described in the structure of Vice Rector’s Research Technological Transfer Office Organization

Bioinformatics & Data Science (BDSRC) is a research center which applies the elements of Information and Technology in processing data from many fields of subjects, including biology, especially in the development and advancement of basic data, statistic and computing method, algorithm and theory to solve the problem that are discovered from data management and analysis

Publication Specialist is tasked to supervise the quality of Binus Journal archive in order to receive a national and international recognition in the form of accreditation from Higher education journal and Scopus indexed journal

Research Technological Transfer Office (RTTO) is a unit which is supervised by Research Technological Transfer’s Vice Rector with the purpose of creating a technical regulation, planning, monitoring , valuation and producing the report of Research Activities, Intellectual property Rights, book/journal and other research output and product commercialization from the research whether it is Personal level research or a Institution based research.

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Research Center

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (AI R&D) Center aims to accelerate research and development of AI in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, AI R&D Center opens up collaboration in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research between academics and industries. The researches conducted in AI R&D Center will be focused on the use of state-of-the-art technique in AI, called as Deep Learning, to solve various challenging problems.

Head  Prof. Bens Pardamean, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Senior Researchers Dr. Dedy Ariansyah S.T., M.T.


Research Assistants

Reza Rahutomo, S.Kom., M.MSI.

Gregorius Natanael Elwirehardja, S.Kom., M.Kom.

Faisal Asadi, S.T., M.Sc. Mahmud Isnan, S.Kom., M.Eng.


Section Head Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa, S.Kom., MMSI.


Staff Faiz Ayyas Munawar, S.IP.

Location BINUS Anggrek Campus Topics
  1. Covers the application of AI for:
  2. Genetic
  3. Cancer Detection
  4. Computer Vision
  5. Satellite and Aerial Imagery Analysis
  6. Video Analytics
  7. Image Recognition
  8. Natural language processing
  9. Speech Recognition
  10. Agriculture

For further information regarding collaboration, commercialization, or other research related partnership with Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Center, please visit their website or contact

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Bioinformatics and Data Science


Food Biotechnology


Small Medium Enterprise,Entrepreneurship & Innovation

SMEEI (Small Medium Enterprise,Entrepreneurship & Innovation) is a research group that focuses on building a research ecosystem community based on innovative and creative entrepreneurship to bring positive sustainable contributions. We are creating and supporting all the members to explore, improve and generate innovation for bringing their research as a problem-solving research product for empowering entrepreneurship society.

Leader Dr. Mulyani Karmagatri, S.Sn., MM.

Location BINUS Bandung Campus Topics Innovation & Entrepreneurship Innovation Digital dan Sustainability Business in 4.0 Digital Business Website
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Quantitative and Decision Sciences (Q&DS)


Digital Language and Behavior (D-LAB)



BINUS Conference

The 8th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development (ICEED) 2024


The 8th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development (ICEED) 2024
06 - 07 November 2024
Semarang, Indonesia
The 13th International Conference on Business, International Relations, and Diplomacy (ICOBIRD) 2024


The 13th International Conference on Business, International Relations, and Diplomacy (ICOBIRD) 2024
28 - 29 August 2024
Bali, Indonesia
2024 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech 2024)


2024 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech 2024)
28 - 29 August 2024
Bali, Indonesia
The 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2024 (ICCSCI 2024)


The 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2024 (ICCSCI 2024)
28 - 29 August 2024
Bali, Indonesia

Conference Info

Journal & Seminar Publication Outlet

Call For Papers: BJIC

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Journal Info

Journal & Seminar Publication Outlet

BINUS Journal

Binus Journals in SCOPUS and SINTA 1

Binus Journals in SCOPUS and SINTA 1

There are two Binus Journals that are indexed and abstracted by Scopus and listed in S1 level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA). S1 level is for journals that are accredited by DIKTI (Higher Education Section of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education). Journal of ASEAN Studies JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) is an international peer-reviewed bi-annual journal focusing on the past, current, and future issues relevant to ASEAN and its member countries. As a region located strategically at the heart of Asia, the center of the 21st century International Relations, regionalism in Southeast Asia is among the most dynamic and is shaped by the complex interaction of domestic politics of each individual countries and external forces from major powers. Along with this context, JAS invites scholars from various background to submit their manuscripts on ASEAN regionalism, international relations in Southeast Asia, the socio cultural and political economy of each member states as well as greater regional or international dynamics which have regional impacts in Southeast Asia. Selected articles will be published every august and December. Visit Journal of ASEAN Studies website by clicking here.   CommIT CommIT is a semiannual journal, published in May and October. Journal of Communication and Information Technology focuses on various issues spanning in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Information System. CommIT has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education under the decree number 30/E/KPT/2018 and has been indexed and abstracted by Scopus, ASEAN Citation Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science and Technology Index 1 (SINTA 1), Microsoft Academic Search, Academic Research Index (Research BIB), Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), World Catalogue (WorldCat), Google Scholar, and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti). Visit CommIT website by clicking here.
Read More P ISSN : JAS 2338-1361; CommIT 1979-2484 E ISSN : JAS 2338-1353; CommIT 2460-7010
Binus Journals in SINTA 2

Binus Journals in SINTA 2

There are five Binus Journals that are listed on S2 level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA). S2 level is for journals that are accredited by DIKTI (Higher Education Section of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).   Binus Business Review Binus Business Review (BBR) provide a forum for lecturers, academicians, researchers, practitioners, and postgraduate students to publish empirical multidiscipline research in business & management research, from operations to corporate governance and marketing. All empirical methods including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic, and mixed methods are welcome. BBR has been accredited by DIKTI under the decree number 30/E/KPT/2018 (SINTA 2) and has been indexed by CrossRef, ASEAN Citation Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science and Technology Index 2, Microsoft Academic Search, Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Google Scholar, Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib) and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti) Visit Binus Business Review website by clicking here. Lingua Cultura  Lingua Cultura is a quadannual journal, published in February, May, August and November. Lingua Cultura focuses on various issues spanning in study of language and literature. The coverage of language includes Applied Linguistics (Syntax and Morphology; Phonetics and Phonology; Second Language Acquisitions; Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment; and Academic Writing), the coverage of literature covers the analysis of novel, film, drama using the relevant theories and concepts. Lingua Cultura has been accredited by DIKTI under the decree number 30/E/KPT/2018 (SINTA 2) and indexed in Crossref, ASEAN Citation Index, Microsoft Academic Search, Google Scholar, Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), the World Catalogue (WorldCat), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science and Technology Index 2(SINTA 2), Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib), Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), CiteFactor and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti) Visit Lingua Cultura website by clicking here. Humaniora Humaniora is a triannual journal, published in March, July, and November. Humaniora focuses on various issues spanning in the field of Indonesian Culture, exploring behavior and thinking, values, attitudes, norms, art and design, ritual and belief, cultural psychology, and cultural communications. Humaniora has been accredited by DIKTI under the decree number 34/E/KPT/2018 (SINTA 2) and indexed by ASEAN Citation Index, Science and Technology Index 2 (SINTA 2), Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Microsoft Academic Search, Academic Research Index (Research BIB), Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Google Scholar, and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti) Visit Humaniora website by clicking here. ComTech ComTech is a semiannual journal, published in, June and December.  ComTech is an interdisciplinary and open access journal covering Computer, Mathematics, and Engineering Applications. ComTech has been accredited by DIKTI under the decree number 3/E/KPT/2019 (SINTA 2) and indexed by CrossRef, ASEAN Citation Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science and Technology Index 2 (SINTA2), Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Microsoft Academic Search, Google Scholar, Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib) and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti) Visit ComTech website by clicking here. The Winners is a biannual journal, published in March and September. The Winner focuses on various issues spanning in economics, business, management, and information system through this scientific journal. The Winners has been accredited by DIKTI under the decree number 158/E/KPT/2021 (SINTA 2) and indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Academic Research Index (Research BIB), Microsoft Academic Search, Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), World Catalogue (WorldCat) and Google Scholar, and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti)   Visil all BINUS Journals in or by clicking this link
Read More P ISSN : BBR 2087-1228; Lingua Cultura 1978-8118; ComTech 2087-1244; Humaniora 2087-1236 E ISSN : BBR 2476-9053; Lingua Cultura 2460-710X; ComTech 2476-907X; Humaniora 2476-9061
Binus Journals in SINTA 3

Binus Journals in SINTA 3

There are two Binus Journals that are listed on S3 level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA). S3 level is for journals that are accredited by DIKTI (Higher Education Section of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education). Becoss Journal is a national journal published in January, May, and September. The journal hosted by the Lecturer Resource Center (LRC) of Universitas Bina Nusantara. The journal contents are managed by the School of Design, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Economics and Communication, and Binus Business School. Visit Becoss website by clicking here. Journal of Applied Finance & Accounting (JAFA) showcases useful theoretical and methodological results with the support of interesting empirical applications in the area of Finance and Accounting. Purely theoretical and methodological research with the potential for important applications is also published. Articles in the journal may examine significant research questions from a broad range of perspectives including economics, sustainability, organizational studies and other theories related to accounting and finance phenomena. Visit JAFA website by clicking here. Visit all BINUS Journals in or by clicking this link
Read More P ISSN : E ISSN : Becoss 2686-2557; JAFA 2746-6019
Binus Journals in SINTA 4

Binus Journals in SINTA 4

There are two Binus Journal that is listed on S4 level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA). S4 level of SINTA is for national journal that is non-accredited.   The Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification is a double blind peer-reviewed journal. The Journal is broadly multidisciplinary, publishing works focusing on all aspects of games. The Journal is published biannually in English. biannually in English (in June and December). Acceptable contributions include original research articles, best practice reports, and proposals for special issues. All contributions will be double-blind peer-reviewed according to appropriate criteria Visit Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification website by clicking here.   EMACS Journal is a national journal published in January, May, and September. The journal hosted by the Lecturer Resource Center (LRC) of Universitas Bina Nusantara. The journal contents are managed by the School of Computer Science, School of Information Systems, and Faculty of Engineering. Visit Emacs website by clicking here. Visil all BINUS Journals in or by clicking this link
Read More P ISSN : E ISSN : JGGAG 2548-480X; Emacs 2686-2573
