
Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) and Binus Coorporate Learning and Development (BCL&D) organized an event of 40 Contributing Researches Online Sharing Session on 13 July 2021. There were five Binus Researchers invited to share their researches. The event was moderated by Mutiara Indriani, M.A. from Research and Technology Transfer Office.

40 Contributing Researches Online Sharing Session
Dr. Muhammad Aras, M.Si
Sonya Rapinta Manalu, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Budiharto, M.Si.
Dr. Budi Yulianto, M.M.
Dr. Dina Fitria Murad, M.Kom
13 July 2021, 13:00 – 15:00



Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) and Binus Coorporate Learning and Development (BCL&D) organized an event of 40 Contributing Researches Online Sharing Session on 27 July 2021. There were three Binus Researchers invited to share their researches. The event was moderated by Mutiara Indriani, M.A. from Research and Technology Transfer Office.

40 Contributing Researches Online Sharing Session
Dr. Evaristus Didik Madyatmadja, S.T
Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M., Mario Nugroho Williyarto, M.Pd., Bhernadetta Pravita Wahyuningtyas, M.Si.
Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M., Arleen Ariestiyani, M.I.Kom., Riana Jogi Ahdareni Matondang, M.I.Kom
Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D., Dr. Yi Ying, M.Lit., M.Pd., Dr. Shidarta, M.Hum
Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D., Prof. Ir. Bahtiar Saleh Abbas, Ph.D., Dr. Yi Ying, M.Lit., M.Pd.
27 July 2021, 13:00 – 15:00
