
    Covid-19 Robot to Assist Medical Personell Created by BINUS University Researchers

    Covid-19 Robot to Assist Medical Personell Created by BINUS University Researchers

    VIDEO The Second International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR)

    VIDEO The Second International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR)

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Her Excellency Olivia Leslie, Climate Change Mitigation and Industry 4.0 in Ireland

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Her Excellency Olivia Leslie, Climate Change Mitigation and Industry 4.0 in Ireland

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Dr. Nanthakumar Loganathan, Trade & Economic Sustainability of BRI on ASEAN Countries

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Dr. Nanthakumar Loganathan, Trade & Economic Sustainability of BRI on ASEAN Countries

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Mr. Jun Hirabayashi, How does Japan Prepare Digital Technology for Society 5.0?

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Mr. Jun Hirabayashi, How does Japan Prepare Digital Technology for Society 5.0?

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Prof. Dr. Trio Adiono, Future Trend in Edge Computing AI Processor

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Prof. Dr. Trio Adiono, Future Trend in Edge Computing AI Processor

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Opening Ceremony of the Second International Conference of ICOBAR

    VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Opening Ceremony of the Second International Conference of ICOBAR

    Scopus Update

    The Second International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR) – Day Two

    The Second International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR) – Day Two

1 101 102 103 104 105 116