Covid-19 Robot to Assist Medical Personell Created by BINUS University Researchers
July 10, 2020
VIDEO The Second International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR)
July 09, 2020
VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Her Excellency Olivia Leslie, Climate Change Mitigation and Industry 4.0 in Ireland
July 09, 2020
VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Dr. Nanthakumar Loganathan, Trade & Economic Sustainability of BRI on ASEAN Countries
July 09, 2020
VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Mr. Jun Hirabayashi, How does Japan Prepare Digital Technology for Society 5.0?
July 09, 2020
VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Prof. Dr. Trio Adiono, Future Trend in Edge Computing AI Processor
July 09, 2020
VIDEO ICOBAR 2020: Opening Ceremony of the Second International Conference of ICOBAR
July 09, 2020
Scopus Update
July 06, 2020
The Second International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR) – Day Two
July 01, 2020