>> 04 2022


Research and Technology Transfer BINUS University organized a discussion forum for BINUS Faculty Members on Monday, 18 April 2022. Ir. Dave Mangindaan, PhD, MRSC, AMIChemE, IPM, ASEAN Eng. and Dr. Juneman Abraham were invited to share their insights and experiences in increasing scientific article citation. This event was well guided by Christian Harito, Ph.D as moderator.

Diskusi Strategi Peningkatan Sitasi
Ir. Dave Mangindaan, PhD, MRSC, AMIChemE, IPM, ASEAN Eng.
Dr. Juneman Abraham
18 April 2022



BINUS Corporate Learning & Development and Research and Technology Transfer invited Yoga Prihastomo, S.T., M.Kom as a keynote speaker in the training with BINUS Faculty Members. This event was held on Tuesday, 19 April 2022 via Zoom (online meeting). This event focuses on sharing and discussing Intellectual Property Rights.

Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Yoga Prihastomo, S.T., M.Kom
19 April 2022
