
How Technophilia or Technophobia can Affect Technology Adoption Decisions Within Organizations

IPv6 is being introduced and is considered as a comprehensive solution to the existing Internet Protocol issue. However, IPv6 adoption remains low among internet communities. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how pro/anti attitudes toward technology (technophilia/technophobia) influence technology decisions inside businesses. We use exploratory sequential mixed methods design for this objective. We start with a qualitative investigation to gain a thorough understanding of the problem and construct a conceptual framework. Semi- structured interviews will be used to collect data, which will then be examined using the domain analysis approach. Based on the qualitative results, a theoretical model and research hypotheses were constructed. Following that, a quantitative investigation is conducted in which the instruments developed in phase one are utilized to test and validate the theory and generalize the findings. This involved the deployment of an online survey to collect data about organizationsattitudes toward IPv6. These data were analyzed using SEM-PLS in two steps: assessing the measurement model and validating the structural model. An online survey will be used in order to get information on how organizations perceived to IPv6. SEM-PLS was used to evaluate this data in two phases, first confirming the measurement modeland then evaluating the structural model.
IPv6, adoption technology, resistance to technology, technophobia, technophilia, mixed method
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  • Dr. Erwin Halim, SPt., M.M., CBDMP, CDMS

    Dr. Erwin Halim, SPt., M.M., CBDMP, CDMS

  • Dr. Ir. Edy Irwansyah, S.T., M.Si., IPM, ASEAN Eng.

    Dr. Ir. Edy Irwansyah, S.T., M.Si., IPM, ASEAN Eng.

  • Dedy Syamsuar, S.Kom., MIT., Ph.D.

    Dedy Syamsuar, S.Kom., MIT., Ph.D.

  • Dr. Adele Bernadet Lingkan Mailangkay, S.T., MMSI

    Dr. Adele Bernadet Lingkan Mailangkay, S.T., MMSI