ideo has become an important part of higher education, serving as the foundation for many classrooms using multi-channel and often the main information delivery mechanismin online classrooms. During a difficult era when people are no longer able to attend school, video-based learning that is carefully designed in the perspective of a studio classroomcourse is a way to enhance the independent learning experience. Well-defined material that is consistently communicated to students is an important element in the learning process that has the potential to succeed as expected. In this paper, we willexplore the effectiveness of video-based learning that supports independent learning. The starting point that we take is that there must be a way to assess the effectiveness of using video-based learning developed in self-learning as a very important basis for the learning process. It is close to the argument that being an integral part of self-learning is a key element of video-based learning. Therefore, video-based learning experiences must be designed not only to befun butalso to beableto achievethe desired independent learning outcome