
Indonesian Perception on China and Taiwan Digital Public Diplomacy

Public diplomacy exercised by the governments isessentially targeting as many communitiesand citizensas possible. Digitalization's rapid change has shifted the public diplomacy strategy to digital platforms, such as the news portal, socialmedia, video sharing channel,and manymore. Limited by China'scontinuous political block in theinternationalarena, Taiwan has been continuously utilizing public diplomacy to maintain itsexistenceand influencein theinternationalcommunity. This research aims to examineand assess Chinaand Taiwan's digital public diplomacy efforts in Indonesia. Three variables will beanalyzed further in this research, which is (1) howChinaand Taiwan employ their digital public diplomacy’s strategiesand tactics, (2) Chinaand Taiwan digital public diplomacy toolsand instruments to implement digital public diplomacy,and (3 )comparison of Indonesian people perception to China and Taiwan digital public diplomacy. In theend, theresearch isexpected to measurethe effectiveness of China and Taiwan public diplomacy strategy towards theIndonesian people.
China, Taiwan, Public Diplomacy
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  • Dr. Eka Miranda, S.Kom., MMSI.

    Dr. Eka Miranda, S.Kom., MMSI.

  • Aditya Permana, S.Fil., M.Hum.

    Aditya Permana, S.Fil., M.Hum.

  • Tia Mariatul Kibtiah S. Ag., M.Si

    Tia Mariatul Kibtiah S. Ag., M.Si

  • Rangga Aditya, S.Sos., M.Si, Ph.D

    Rangga Aditya, S.Sos., M.Si, Ph.D