
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dosen dan Self-Efficacy Mahasiswa Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa

THE EFFECT OF LECTURER LEADERSHIP AND SELF EFFICACY TO ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION The long-term goal of this research is to accommodate the students' perceptions of the influence of the lecturer's leadership in teaching and learning activities and the students' self-efficacy to the students' achievement motivation. The method that be used in this research is by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and the data obtained were processed quantitatively with path analysis. The results showed that the leadership of the lecturer did not have significant influence, because it only accounted for 1.4%, while the effect of self-efficacy of the student is very significant on the students achievement motivation, which amounted to 84.5%. It can be concluded that the faculty of leadership insignificant effect on the students achievement motivation, meanwhile self efficacy had a great effect. So, it is very necessary to growing self-efficacys students to improve the students achievement motivation.
lecturer leadership, self efficacy, achievement motivation.
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Contract Number
  • Dr. Drs. Arcadius Benawa, M.Pd.

    Dr. Drs. Arcadius Benawa, M.Pd.

  • Dr. Lelo Yosep Laurentius, S.S., M.M.

    Dr. Lelo Yosep Laurentius, S.S., M.M.