Stressful life of urban couples: work, traffic jam, parenting, daily life can spill over into relationship and leads to lower relationship quality (intimacy, connectedness, satisfaction). Thus, couple might need a getaway from their everyday life to reflect on their relationship and build relationship maintenance skills. Moreover, couples are expected to be able to help them selves because the ratio of mental health practitionaire and Indonesia population is far from sufficient. Previous research have shown that traveling together can benefit couples. Other line of research have found that relationship maintenance behavior can increase relationship quality. However, there is little evidence ofcouple intervention efficacy done in a relaxing environment (as in a tourist lodge in a village). The aim of this research is threefold: 1) describing external stress and relationship quality of urban couples, 2) testing model predicting relationship quality of high stress dual-earner urban couples, 3) testing the efficacy of couples retreat intervention in increasing relationship quality of urban couples. This research is consisted of three studies: 1) Focused group discussion, output: themes of external stress and relationship quality of urban couples, 2) Survey, output: structural equation model of relationship quality of dual earner-urban couples, 3) Quasi experiment, output : efficacy of couples retreat intervention in increasing relationship quality of dual-earner urban couples.