Pocong (ShroudGhosts) films are still underrated in Indonesia, and at the same time are blossoming particularly in Indonesia in the last 10 years. However, Pocong as a ghost fromIndonesia started to be acknowledged transnationally in Horrorscholarship and fan circuits. Forexample, a Pocong figure became a frontcover at Monstermagazine, #21: September(2015 Paperback – 29 Sept. 2015), illustratedby Jolyon Yates. In this magazine, John Velluttinowrote the coverstory titled“Ties that Bindthe Pocong andothercreepy creatures in Contemporary IndonesianHorror Cinema focusing on Pocong. The research will investigate whether one can theorize pocong films as a local horror genre? Ifso,can one claimPocong genre as Indonesia’scontribution to the worldHorror genre?