The representation of characters through narrative has been a focal constructing element in many video game titles from a wide range of diverse game genres and game consoles where few scholars have studied, unfortunately the literature has not yet provides any specific perspective toward the fighting game genre albeit there has been appealing linguistics implication within this spectrum. This study will investigate the significance of characters representation constructing techniques through digital narrative forms in a fighting game and the significance of stereotyping. Street Fighter V (2015-2020) will be utilized for this study. From the console or computer updated versions, the visual and auditory narrative forms that represent characters are collected and evaluated for the data. The findings will hopefully managed to indicate the significance of stereotyping in the characters representation of Street Fighter Vs narratives. The output of this study hopefully can be beneficial for the game designer, enriching the spectrum of constructing remarkable characterization, specifically for the fighting game genre.
characters representation, stereotypes, fighting game, creative writing, narrative