The emergence of technology at a certain period is related to users' experience as an age group who are born and grow up as teenagers and young adults simultaneously. Generation Z (born 1997-2006) is identified as a cohort that grew up with tablets, social media, and online games. Problems arise regarding online media effects, law, and ethics, especially among Gen Z users. This study examines various risk factors determining the prevention and protection of victims due to violence and cyberbullying in online interaction and communication. Second, to analyze violent content on social media (social network sites, SNS) in various Generation Z online communities. Third, formulate regulations and ethical guidelines that consider freedom of speech. Fourth, to develop advocacy models and strengthen the capacity of the youth community. The research approach is taken through quantitative and qualitative methods to maximize the collection of all types of data and cross-disciplinary discussions. In the survey research, constructs were arranged based on various concepts as factors or several independent variables such as individual factors, verbal and text interaction, visual interaction, school mentoring, family communication and care, and social media consumption. Several mediating and dependent variables include mental health, victim protection, and violence prevention. At the same time, several dimensions of analysis in a qualitative approach include cyber stalking, online impersonation, catfishing, doxing, swatting, trolling, and revenge porn. Data collection was carried out using the phenomenology method to explore individual experiences in everyday life regarding cyberbullying, advocacy, and involvement in capacity building to prevent online violence. The implications of the results of this research are related to the formulation of policies from the perspective of media law and ethics in a global community and citizens.
cyberbullying, generation z, mentoring, online interaction, risk factors, victims