
The language center in EMI higher education: A revisit for relevance and responsiveness

There seems to be a dearth of investigations into language centers despite their core functions in higher education institutions. This study revisits the constitution and mandate of the language center and claims its centrality in university operations with respect to research and instruction. This research study argues, however, that language centers must be responsive to the changing needs of the institutions that they serve for them to stay relevant. It then highlights the experiences of language centers in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines to shed light on how they respond to the needs of their respective universities. Specifically, it expounds on the management of language center operations and the role of collaborative approaches between content lecturers and language center staff in terms of program delivery across departments and research-related services for university sectors. This study is important for academic institutions to have a greater understanding of how they can enhance the operational effectiveness of language centers in their own contexts.
Language centers, University-based language centers, English in higher education, English as a medium of instruction, Language center services
Source of Fund
Hibah Terapan Binus
Funding Institution
Contract Number
  • Charles Schuster, M.A.

    Charles Schuster, M.A.

  • Dr. Franklin G. Talaue, M.A.Engl.

    Dr. Franklin G. Talaue, M.A.Engl.

  • Martin James Moloney, BSc Hons.., M.Ikom

    Martin James Moloney, BSc Hons.., M.Ikom