
Pengembangan Model User Interface untuk Konten Ruang Terbuka Hijau pada Situs Web Pemerintahan Kota dan Kabupaten di Indonesia

The aim of this paper is to study about the use of official city gvernment websites in Indonesia to accomodate the content of city park and Green Open Space (GOS) socialisation . The research methodolgy is to observe on several official city government websites such as Beijing and Singapore from abroad, Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia, and 26 other cities from several group of cities based on the number of population. The sample cities of Indonesia will be observed their official government website about seven contents which are city park content and six content of GOS socialisation. Each content will be graded with the scale of 1 to 5. There are three ways which can be chosen in accomodating the content of city park and green open space socialisation. First is Attached to the Existing website (ATEW) like the Beijing website, second is the subdomain (SDW) type like the Jakarta website,and finally is the Fully dedicated (FDW) like the Singapore website. There are eight cities from 27 samples (29.63%) which having grade > 1for content number 1, three cities (11.11%) have grade 4 which are Jakarta, Batam, and Banda Aceh.. In the group of cities with population between 1 and 2 million, there are no cities having grade > 1. Whereas, only two cities (7.40%) have grade > 1for some content of the GOS socialisation. Banda Aceh is the best with grade average of 2.33 (=14/6) followed by Jakarta with grade average of 1.83 (=11/6) and they use the SDW way in embedding the content into website As a conclusion, In order to increase the citizen participation in improving the percentage of GOS, the cities government need to socialise the GOS using their official website. Jakarta, Banda Aceh, and Batam are the three cities that having Good grade in accomodating the city park content. While Banda Aceh and Jakarta are the best cities in accomodating the content of GOS socialisation. Unfortunetely most of official city government websites have no content of city park and GOS socialisation. Generally all city government should improve their official website in accomodating the content of city park and GOS socialisation by using SDW way like Jakarta website..
e-Government, website, Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH), taman kota, , pemerintah kota, , Indonesia,
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Contract Number
  • Drs. Agus Prahono, M.Eng.Sc.

    Drs. Agus Prahono, M.Eng.Sc.