
Pengajaran Sejarah Seni Rupa Barat di Tengah Pandemic Covid-19 dengan Metode Alih Wahana: Evaluasi Melalui Semiotika dalam DKV

It is a challenge for the lecturer teamto teach history courses to Visual Communication Design students which are dominated by generation Z. Acoursethatmay only grab fewstudent’sattention and is slightly defeated by othercorecourses. Moreover, thechallengeis getting bigger in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic where all courses are online based, allowing students to be increasingly demotivated to learn history. However, students might not realize that learning history is not just memorizing thing, but how to think responsive (critical and analytical). This concept is precisely helpscreative workers to createsomething ‘new’ in the works ofart or design; one ofwhich is the method ofAlih Wahana. Alih Wahana is basically a method ofadapting or transferring oneart formto another. Thereason that this method isconsidered relevant to the history learning process is because it does noteliminate the former meaning or value, but rather studies it deeperand then be applied to other media. This isalso thereasonwhy theresearchers usethe method to teach history for VisualCommunicationDesign students. Through this method, students will beableto analyzethe value offormer meaning as wellas develop creativeideas to beapplied to the'present' era. It is not only limited to translating forms, Alih Wahana also illustrates how students can then learn to do semiotic analysis through their works. The meaning that does notchange will be evaluated whether itcan be illustrated with a newformor not, which has been transformed and interpreted properly. The researchers hope that Alih Wahana method can be applied in the Covid-19 pandemic era and make it easier for students to understand the historicalcontent ofwestern art reviewwithout diminish theircreativity to produceartworks.
Creativity, Art, Visual Communication
Source of Fund
Hibah Terapan Binus
Funding Institution
Contract Number
  • Yusaira Farhia, S.Sn., M.Sn.

    Yusaira Farhia, S.Sn., M.Sn.

  • Athaya Zahra, S.Sn., MA

    Athaya Zahra, S.Sn., MA

  • Farah Padma Poetry, S.Sn., M.Ds

    Farah Padma Poetry, S.Sn., M.Ds