KampungAdat Cireundeu inCimahistillmaintains itscultural heritagein this modern age,and became one ofthe main touristattraction asa distinctivecity icons ofCimahi. However thecultural heritagecharacteristics wereseen less highlighted, in the Cimahicity branding. Since 2009 City ofCimahi decidethatanimation becamethe main focus on developing theircreativeindustry, thatmanifested in one ofthecity branding components such ascitymascot which is well known nationaly. This researchmain focus is the KampungAdat Cireundeu cultural heritagecharacteristics, using semiotic analysis on their interactions with theenvironment,and way oflife. This researchwill usea qualitativeethnographic method to exploreand develop a detailed understanding ofits phenomena,and literatures reviewto justify the problem, guidethe research spesificaimsand in generaland board,collects datain asmaller butmode detailed scope. This researchmain achievement is to explore, document,and analyzingKampungAdat Cireundeu cultural heritagecharacteristics; identify the connection between thelocalcultureand theexistingCimahicity brand. Theresearchmain purposeis to enrich and increase thecultural heritagecharacteristics in the Cimahicity branding,and as one ofthe promotionaltools for KampungAdat Cireundeu thatcan represent thelocal values oflifein thecommunity.