Mass public gatherings (e.g.,concerts, sporting eventand convocation ceremonies) have been identified as one ofthecauses offast-spreading of COVID-19. Dueto that, social or physical distancing practicesand large gathering prohibition inMalaysiaarelikely to becontinued untiltheend of the year,even after Movement ControlOrder (MCO) has been lifted. All over the world, thecancellation or postponement ofevents has now becomethe newnormal. This has imposed event organisers to redesign theirevents into virtualevents whereattendeesareto stay at their housesand meet with the hostand otherattendees virtually. However,certain types ofeducationalevents such as graduation ceremoniesare not to be virtually conducted as it by naturecarriesasentimental valuefor the graduandsand their families. In fact, for some people, theconvocation ceremony is once in alifetimeeventand must beattended. Inminimizing the possibility offurthercancellation and postponement ofsuch events,even after the MCO has been lifted,a professionaltouch producing “soft landing such as“MathematicalModelling ofPhysicalDistancing Policy for Post COVID-19 is really required. This research thus developsa mathematicalmodel ofattendeeflowfor mass gathering events (e.g.,convocation ceremonies) with social distancingmeasure. To achievethis, linear programming and simulation approaches will beemployed. Linear programing is used to optimizethesocial distancing-constrained foreventattendeeflowmeanwhilesimulation is used to mimictheattendeeflowconstrained by the social distancing as in it happens in reallife. This research can providean effectiveexit policy for Malaysiato dealwith this COVID-19 pandemic or other pandemics in thefuture.