Nowadays issue of waste management in Jakarta is becoming very crucial. It needs an effort to manage and recycle waste properly. Waste sorting is the first step towards a good solid management. And every individual in residential and community also needs to get involve in participating to perform waste sorting activity. Recent technology like smartphone may be able to utilize in offering an alternative solution to help people in managing their household waste. In fact the rise numbers of smartphone used in Indonesia keep growing all the time. People in urban cities such as Jakarta have used mobile phones and variety of application to help accomplish tasks in their lives. Looking at the environmental and waste management issue in Jakarta, and low activity in recycling and waste sorting, designing a mobile application that helps or aid and encourage people to sort waste and complete the task of recycling. This research will be focusing on the prototype design of a mobile application that would help users to sort solid inorganic recyclable household waste and direct them to waste banks, where they can dispose of those sorted waste in the Jabodetabek area. Sorting household waste is an important step in recycling to make the process more efficient and make the waste material more marketable for waste buyers. Therefore, the project will focus more on helping individuals sort household recyclable waste at home and increasing the activity of waste sorting. Visual Design on the application will be discussed to explain how the prototype will offer user experience for the people. They willcoverage the principle of design aspect that used to improve the visualexperience and aesthetic.