
Optimization for Multi-Objective Scheduling of Medical Personnel and Resources in Hospital Using Heuristic Approaches

Health is one of the main components that support the activities of human life and has a huge investment value to the quality of human resources in a country. Health care will be one of the largest industries in the world. However, resources in a hospital for health care are usually insufficient to meet the patient's demand since the number of medical personnel and resources are limited. Therefore, policy makers and healthcare providers must think a strategy how to provide the most effective health care to the community using the limited medical personnel and resources. It is well known that the key success in hospital management.is how to scheduling of medical personnel and resources. Scheduling problem in hospitals can be categorized into four major classes namely physicians, residents, nurses and resources scheduling. These scheduling usually have two types of constraints namely hard constraints (H) and soft constraints (S) where the hard constraints are a set of specific constraints that must be fulfilled at any time because these constraints guarantee no conflict in the use of available resources and equipment to obtain feasible scheduling while the soft constraints are a set of specific constraints that to be used in improving the quality of the scheduling.
Healthcare; heuristic; hospital; multi-objective; scheduling.
Source of Fund
Penelitian Dasar
Funding Institution
Contract Number
  • I Gede Putra Kusuma Negara, B.Eng., PhD

    I Gede Putra Kusuma Negara, B.Eng., PhD

  • Dr. Eng. Antoni Wibowo, S.Si., M.Kom., M.Eng

    Dr. Eng. Antoni Wibowo, S.Si., M.Kom., M.Eng