Social networking sites could help organisation in many ways such as accelerating employee development, improving succession planning, and attracting new workers (Jue, Kassotakis, Marr 2009). In a recruitment and selection context, more and more recruiters are using social media. The recent survey conducted by CIPD (2013) showed that over half (54%) of employers use social media for recruitments and both employers and job seekers use social media to check on each other. This research aims to identify factors that cause millennial generations to search jobs using social media, to investigate how extensively social media are used for recruitment and selection tools, to investigate the reasons recruiters choose social media as a recruitment and selection tools, to investigate the impacts of using social media as recruitment and selection tools, and to identify the ethical issues on the use of social media in recruitment and selection. This research is a mixed method research. To collect and analyse the data, the researcher use exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and semi-structured interview.
Recruitment, Selection, Human Resource Management, Recruiter, Millenial generations, Social Media