Binus Journals in SCOPUS and SINTA 1

There are two Binus Journals that are indexed and abstracted by Scopus and listed in S1 level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA). S1 level is for journals that are accredited by DIKTI (Higher Education Section of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).
Journal of ASEAN Studies
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) is an international peer-reviewed bi-annual journal focusing on the past, current, and future issues relevant to ASEAN and its member countries. As a region located strategically at the heart of Asia, the center of the 21st century International Relations, regionalism in Southeast Asia is among the most dynamic and is shaped by the complex interaction of domestic politics of each individual countries and external forces from major powers. Along with this context, JAS invites scholars from various background to submit their manuscripts on ASEAN regionalism, international relations in Southeast Asia, the socio cultural and political economy of each member states as well as greater regional or international dynamics which have regional impacts in Southeast Asia. Selected articles will be published every august and December.
Visit Journal of ASEAN Studies website by clicking here.
CommIT is a semiannual journal, published in May and October. Journal of Communication and Information Technology focuses on various issues spanning in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Information System. CommIT has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education under the decree number 30/E/KPT/2018 and has been indexed and abstracted by Scopus, ASEAN Citation Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science and Technology Index 1 (SINTA 1), Microsoft Academic Search, Academic Research Index (Research BIB), Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), World Catalogue (WorldCat), Google Scholar, and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti).
Visit CommIT website by clicking here.