About Research And Intellectual Capital
Historical Development
The academic quality of a higher education institution could not be separated from its success in the three roles of higher education (otherwise called as Tri Dharma of Higher Education), namely teaching, research and community service. Universities are required to continuously develop three advantages, namely excellence in teaching, research and dedication to community service related to the use and application of science, technology, and art. Organizing research activities and community service becomes an obligation of each higher education institution as stated in Article 20 of Law No 20 of 2003 on National Education System, which explicitly states that higher education institutions are obliged to conduct research and community service. To be able to conduct such research obligations, higher education institutions are required to have competent lecturers in making research proposals, conduct research, disseminate research results and ultimately produce result in various forms of intellectual property. It is a commitment of Bina Nusantara University to organize research activity and it is reflected explicitly in one of the purposes of the UBINUS Statute.
Research and scientific publications conducted by UBINUS faculty members are originally organized by a sub-center named RCSC (Research Center and Service Community) which main tasks are to aid faculty members in creation of research proposal and its implementation, both which are externally funded and internally funded. The main focus of the Directorate of Research and Intellectual Capital are to develop and facilitate research activities and research related activities such as dissemination of research through journal publishing and intellectual property seminars and student creativity programs. The Directorate is in charge of all research activity conducted by UBINUS academic community.
Main Role
Along with the increased number of faculty members and demand for development and improvement in quality of research therefore UBINUS since 2010 the R ectorate has foremed a new container for research, publication and intellectual property rights, named Directorate of Research & IPR UBINUS as the implementing agency of research activities in UBINUS. This directorate ’s main tasks include planning and directing universit y research for the advancement of science, technology and art with a global perspective and beneficial to mankind to enhance the image of UBINUS, enhancing the quality of research on an ongoing basis through the flagship research program of the university and to develop a capacity for managing the research implement at i o n unit as a cross-and inter-disciplinary research vehicle in UBINUS.
Research conducted by UBINUS as an embodiment of one of three roles of Higher Education with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of teaching and learning process as well as contributing to the body of knowledge and producing the products of intellectual property which is funded from both internal and external research grants. UBINUS Competitive Research Grants is an internal research grant given every year with a maximum research period of one year. The Directorate also aid researchers who wish to participate in research activities funded by external parties such as DIKTI, State Ministry of Research and Technology, Kopertis and other external parties. To attract research activities to the national and international level (high impact research), the Directorate has established several Research Interest Groups (RIG), and will continue to be increase the number from year to year. Some of the already established RIGs are
- Bioinformatics is chaired by Dr. Bens Pardamean. The Group focuses its research in the application of information technology into the field of biological sciences, especially in the development of databases, computational methods and statistical algorithms and theory for solving practical problems that arise in data management and analysis in the field of biology and medicine
- BEE-embedded, chaired by Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena. Embedded systems is a system consisting of hardware and software-based microprocessor or microcontroller to control a larger system and is supposed to function as far as possible without human intervention. This group is focused on providing embedded systems-based solutions to make human life more comfortable, safe and prosperous.
- OSS ERP INITIATIVE, chaired by Dr. Henny Hendarti. Open Bravo is an open source software that implements the concept of enterprise resource planning. This group will optimize the utilization of open bravo to target users among SMEs. Users are expected to adopt with low investment costs. This will be achieved with the use of the concept of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) that allows a wider and deeper utilization.
- PHOTONICS and COMPUTER SIMULATION is chaired by Dr.. Rinda Hedwig. The group carries out research activities that focus on four main topics: (1) Application of Laser Spectroscopy (utilizing high-powered lasers for spectrochemical applications in various fields ranging from mining, analysis of rocks and fossils, food analysis, biochemical analysis, and others), (2) Image compression (signal acquisition method that combines sensor and compression process), (3) Computational Intelligence (algorithmic approach to solve complex problems that can not be solved using traditional methodologies with emphasis on applications for robotics and simulation in the field of health), and ( 4) Dynamic simulation Model (Simulation applied to the business world as a means of decision making)
The Directorate coordinate distribution of journal articles from receiving articles either the results of a research, as well as non – research studies, the process of selection or assessment of the article, setting articles, until the process of printing the journal. There are six managed journals, Mat Stat for the field of mathematics, statistics and its applications. The Winners for the field of business economics, management and information systems, Jurnal Teknik Komputer for the field of computer engineering, INASEA for the field of industrial engineering review and industrial systems. LinguaCultura for the fields of English. Japanese and Chinese language teaching & linguistic culture, literature and and CommIT for field of science of communication and information engineering. The six journals are prepared to become a nationally accredited journal by the Higher Education Directorate of the Ministry of National Education. Also in 2010 the Directorate started publishing three anthology-type journals for faculty members in order to accommodate the spirit of writing articles in journals or in other words in order to foster research culture among Binus University faculty members. The three journals are respectively Comtech, which contains scientific articles from the fields of science and technology including computer science, then Humaniora, contains scientific articles in the field of linguistic and culture, psychology, communications and interior and visual communication design in particular. And the last is Binus Business Review, contains scientific articles in the fields of management, accounting and hospitality management and its application.
Technology Transfer
The Directorate also facilitates the process of inventorizing potential intellectual property created by UBINUS academic community. The Directorate is also involved in harvesting research grants to fund student researchs mainly those from the Ministry of National Education.
Research & Intellectual Capital Directorate
Univ. Bina Nusantara – Kampus Anggrek Lt. 1 – Ruang Library
Jl. Kebun Jeruk Raya No. 27, Palmerah Jakarta 11530
Telp. (021) 5345830, 5322160, 5350660, 5324630