Advancing Medical Research: Collaborative Innovations in Non-Invasive Kidney Disease Detection

The collaboration between BINUS University and Annisa Hospital represents a significant step forward in medical research. Led by Bu Ir. Winda Astuti., S. T., M. Sc., Ph. D., from the Automotive & Robotics Engineering department at BINUS ASO School of Engineering, the project focuses on developing a Non-Invasive Kidney Disease Detector. This innovative approach holds promise for revolutionizing diagnostic procedures and improving patient care in the realm of kidney disease detection. The signing of the cooperation agreement by Dr. dr. Ediansyah., MARS., MM, Director of Annisa Hospital, signifies a commitment to advancing medical technology and addressing healthcare challenges through collaborative research efforts.

The involvement of BINUS University’s Technology Transfer team underscores the institution’s dedication to translating research findings into practical applications for societal benefit. With Elioenai Sitepu, Ph.D., Ria Damayanti, S.Sos., and Desri Fatimah Natalia Tambunan, S.E., M.I.Kom., at the helm, the collaboration has been guided since July 2023, culminating in the commencement of joint projects in March 2024. Such concerted efforts demonstrate the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange in driving innovation and fostering progress in medical science.

As Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, M.Si., Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer at BINUS University, aptly notes, this collaboration sets the stage for future partnerships and endeavors. The university welcomes the opportunity to explore additional avenues of cooperation, recognizing the immense potential for further advancements in healthcare through collaborative research initiatives. This collaborative endeavor not only exemplifies the spirit of academic-industry partnership but also underscores the university’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making meaningful contributions to society’s well-being.

#MedicalResearch #Collaboration #Innovation #KidneyDisease #HealthcareTechnology #InterdisciplinaryResearch #BINUSUniversity #AnnisaHospital #TechnologyTransfer #AcademicPartnership

Haryo Sutanto