Upholding Academic Integrity: Essential Principles in Research and Publication
Starting from 2024, VR RTT BINUS University implements the obligation of Open Data to all its faculty members as part of efforts to prevent and eradicate fabrication and falsification. Academic integrity is paramount in ensuring the credibility and trustworthiness of research and publications. It encompasses a set of principles that researchers and scholars must adhere to in their academic pursuits. Among the cardinal sins to avoid are fabrication, falsification, multiple submissions, plagiarism, and unauthorized authorship. Fabrication involves the creation of fictitious data or information, while falsification entails manipulating research outcomes for personal gain or to harm others.
Multiple submissions refer to the unethical practice of submitting the same work to multiple outlets, leading to duplicate publications. Plagiarism, perhaps one of the most widely recognized breaches of academic integrity, involves the unauthorized use of another person’s work without proper attribution. This can take various forms, including copying text verbatim, paraphrasing without citation, or self-plagiarism by reusing one’s own previously published work without acknowledgment. Furthermore, unauthorized authorship undermines the collaborative nature of scholarly endeavors, as individuals may claim credit for contributions they did not make or exclude rightful contributors from recognition.
Maintaining academic integrity requires a steadfast commitment to honesty, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of research and publication. Researchers must uphold the highest ethical standards by conducting their work with integrity, accurately reporting findings, and respecting the intellectual contributions of others. By adhering to these principles, scholars uphold the integrity of the academic community and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.
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