>> 11 2022

BINUS Corporate Learning & Development and Research and Technology Transfer organized the final workshop of Visiting Professor Program 2022. The workshop held on 28 November 2022 at Bina Nusantara University Alam Sutera Campus. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was invited as the speaker and coach for these workshops to share his knowledge and experience to Binus Faculty Members. Prof. Dr. Tirta N, Mursitama, Ph.D., VR RTT Bina Nusantara University delivered his opening speech for this workshop. The workshop was moderated by Research Promotion and Partnership Section Head, Ria Damayanti, S.Sos.

Visiting Professor Program
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan
28 November 2022


Research and Technology Transfer with Lecturer Resource Center organized a workshop titled “How to Increasing, Improving, and Maintaining H-Index and Citation Score” on 29 November 2022 at BINUS Anggrek Campus. It encouraged the professor candidates to publish their article on reputable journal to minimize the gap to their professorship. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was invited as the speaker and coach for these workshops to share his knowledge and experience to Binus Faculty Members. Prof. Dr. Tirta N, Mursitama, Ph.D., VR RTT Bina Nusantara University delivered his opening speech for this workshop. The workshop was moderated by Research & Community Development Section Head BINUS Malang Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati, S.Sn., M.Ds.

How to Increasing, Improving, and Maintaining H-Index and Citation Score
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan
29 November 2022


Research and Technology Transfer with Lecturer Resource Center organized a workshop titled “Discussion on Publication for Professor Candidate” on 30 November 2022 at BINUS Anggrek Campus. It encouraged the professor candidates to publish their article on reputable journal to minimize the gap to their professorship. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was invited as the speaker and coach for these workshops to share his knowledge and experience to Binus Faculty Members. Prof. Dr. Tirta N, Mursitama, Ph.D., VR RTT Bina Nusantara University delivered his opening speech for this workshop. The workshop was moderated by International Publication Section Head, Aninda Rahmasari, S.Sos., M.Litt.

Discussion on Publication for Professor Candidate
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan
30 November 2022


Research and Technology Transfer with Lecturer Resource Center organized a workshop titled “How to be a Prominent Young Researcher and Journal Author” on 30 November 2022 at BINUS Anggrek Campus. It encouraged the young BINUS Faculty Members to be a prominent young researcher in pursuing their lecturing career. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was invited as the speaker and coach for these workshops to share his knowledge and experience to Binus Faculty Members. Prof. Dr. Tirta N, Mursitama, Ph.D., VR RTT Bina Nusantara University delivered his opening speech for this workshop. The workshop was moderated by International Publication Section Head, Aninda Rahmasari, S.Sos., M.Litt.

How to be a Prominent Young Researcher and Journal Author
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nathakumar Loganathan
30 November 2022
