Focus Group Discussion on Public Perception and Police Performance Evaluation

The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) organized by the Research and Development Division (Litbang) of KOMPAS on March 10, 2025, aimed to assess public perceptions and evaluate police performance in Indonesia. As a qualitative research method, the FGD gathered insights from a select group of experts and scholars, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of law enforcement effectiveness. This discussion aligns with broader academic efforts to analyze human behavior and institutional performance through rigorous qualitative methodologies.

The event featured distinguished speakers, including Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si., Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer at BINUS University, Professor of Social Psychology, Expert in Corruption Psychology, and Member of the Police Psychology Association – Indonesian Psychological Association, and Prof. (Ris) Hermawan Sulistyo, M.A., Ph.D, A.P.U., former senior researcher specializing in political development at LIPI, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (The Indonesian Institute of Sciences) – now BRIN, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (National Research and Innovation Agency) – currently Head of the National Security Studies Center, Bhayangkara Jaya University. Other notable contributors included Dr. Drs. A. Hanief, Chair of the Doctoral Program in Global Strategic Studies, and Poengky Indarti, an advisor to the Chief of the Indonesian National Police. Their collective expertise provided a multifaceted perspective on the challenges and advancements in police governance, accountability, and public trust.

With participation from four expert researchers, this FGD served as a critical platform for analyzing law enforcement policies and community interactions. By leveraging qualitative analysis, the discussion sought to identify patterns in public perception and institutional challenges, offering valuable insights for policymaking and police reform. The findings from this session will contribute to ongoing academic and governmental discourse on enhancing law enforcement practices in Indonesia.

#PolicePerformance #PublicPerception #QualitativeResearch #LawEnforcement #PoliceAccountability #AcademicDiscussion #LitbangKompas #FGD #Governance #PolicyAnalysis

Haryo Sutanto