Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!

Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!

Apa yang keren dari konten ini?

Singkat, padat, dan jelas. Konten menjanjikan tiga tips tingkatkan produktivitas, dan langsung menyajikannya tanpa basa-basi untuk pembaca #harikomunikasisains

What’s cool about this content?

Concise, clear, and straight to the point. The content promises three productivity-boosting tips and delivers them immediately, no fluff, for the readers. #ScienceCommunicationDay

Original #binusresearchpoint content and caption by @bbs_up_research

Verifying the Effect of Digital Leadership, Motivation, and Performance Management as Predictors of Work Productivity

Nopriadi Saputra(1), Harry Sutanto(2)
(1)Business Management Program, BINUS Business School, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
(2)Management Program, BINUS Business School, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia



Haryo Sutanto