Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!
Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!
Apa yang keren dari konten ini?
Studi dibungkus dengan tampilan seperti video berita di media sosial. Potongan kalimat yang singkat namun padat berhasil memikat penonton hingga akhir video. #harikomunikasisains
What’s cool about this content?
The study is packaged in a format resembling social media news videos. Short yet concise sentences effectively capture the audience’s attention until the end of the video. #sciencecommunicationday
Original #binusresearchpoint content and caption by @communicationdeptbinus
“Gimana jadinya kalau Piala Dunia U-20 di Indonesia dibahas dengan Analisis Jaringan Sosial? Info Hari Ini hadir untuk memenuhi rasa penasaran kamu, jadi jangan lupa nonton sampai habis, ya!
Apabila teman-teman menulis paper atau penelitian tentang Social Network Analysis, silahkan mengutip artikel ilmiah ini😊
Mettadewi, A. & Prawira, I. (2023). Unravelling the Two-Step Flow: A Social Network Analysis of the Indonesia U-20 World Cup Cancellation Discourse. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 426, p. 01097). EDP Sciences.
Link paper:
#communicationdepartment; #communication; #masscommunication; #marketingcommunication; #creativecommunication; #communicationbinus; #fdcht; #binusresearchpoint; #socialnetworkanalysis