Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!
Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!
Apa yang keren dari konten ini?
Konten dirancang dengan narasi menarik dan sesuai temanya, meningkatkan minat pembaca yang familiar dengan Marvel. #harikomunikasisains
What’s cool about this content?
The content is crafted with an engaging narrative and a thematic approach, capturing the interest of readers familiar with Marvel. #ScienceCommunicationDay
Original #binusresearchpoint content and caption by @communicationdeptbinus:
“Halo, teman-teman! Menurut kalian teori konstruksi sosial itu teori apa sih? Teori tentang pembangunan atau teori tentang lingkungan? Atau dua-duanya salah?? Daripada bingung mending simak video ini dan coba jawab pertanyaannya✨
Selanjutnya kita bahas apa lagi, ya?
Mau lebih paham lagi? Cek paper dengan sumber dibawah ini, ya!
Tabitha, S. I., & Sylvina, V. (2023). Urgent call for the social construction of reality: How Twitter conversations about the Ms. Marvel series address issues for an inclusive society. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 426, p. 01045). EDP Sciences.”
#communicationdepartment; #communication; #masscommunication; #marketingcommunication; #creativecommunication; #communicationbinus; #binusresearchpoint #socialconstructionofreality