Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!

Happy Science Communication Day, BINUSIAN! Let’s cellebrate by admiring some of the most creative content this year!

Apa yang keren dari konten ini?

Tidak hanya hanya eksplorasi sains di balik terasi murni, konten juga menekankan signifikansi budaya dari bahan makanan khas Indonesia ini. #harikomunikasisains

What’s cool about this content?

The content not only delves into the science behind pure shrimp paste but also emphasizes the cultural significance of this iconic Indonesian ingredient. #sciencecommunicationday

Original #binusresearchpoint content and caption by @foodtechnology.binus:

“FOOD TECH RESEARCH Episode 1: Bikin terasi pakai campuran ikan & udang?🤨.

Yuk baca penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen Food Technology program yang dapat dibaca langsung secara lengkap di sumber yang tertaut di halaman akhir✌️🤩.”

#binusresearchpoint #terasi #ikan #udang #intro

Haryo Sutanto