Meeting Between BINUS University and Pearson Global: Strengthening E-Book Collaboration

On July 9, 2024, a significant meeting took place between BINUS University and Pearson Global, marking a key partnership in the provision of e-books for BINUS University students. Pearson, as the largest partner in this endeavor, was represented by Ebrahim Matthews, Vice President of Pearson Higher Education, Jason Tan, Director of Pearson Asia, and Nova, Manager of Pearson Indo. The meeting aimed to foster collaboration and enhance the academic resources available to BINUS students.

Representing BINUS University were prominent leaders including Dr. Nelly, M.M., the Rector of BINUS University, and Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, M.Si., Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer. Also in attendance were Dr. Joice Yulinda Luke, S.Pd., M.Hum, International Book & Conference Section Head, Ekko Wardono, S.E., M.M., Procurement Associate Director, Tatum S. Adiningrum, M.Ed, Ph.D, Academic Development Senior Manager, and Yulia Magdalena, S.E., S.Kom, M.MSi, Academic Resources Center Manager. These representatives underscored BINUS University’s commitment to leveraging global partnerships to enhance educational offerings.

The meeting agenda focused on introducing the Pearson Global team and discussing the collaboration for the publication of e-books. These e-books are to be authored entirely or partially by BINUS University faculty, with additional contributions from BINUS lecturers. This initiative aims to enrich the digital library of BINUS University, providing students with high-quality, relevant educational materials authored by their own professors, thus fostering a richer academic environment and promoting scholarly contributions from the university’s faculty.

#BINUSUniversity #PearsonGlobal #EBooks #HigherEducation #AcademicPartnership #DigitalLibrary #EducationalResources #FacultyAuthors #GlobalCollaboration

Haryo Sutanto