Showcase of Excellence: BINUS University’s PILMAPRES 2024 Highlights Top Student Innovators

On March 28, 2024, BINUS University conducted its prestigious PILMAPRES (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) event, a platform for recognizing and honoring outstanding students across various disciplines. This event was notably streamed live via BINUS TV and ZOOM, gathering a select group of eight candidates who had previously proven their mettle at the faculty level. A key figure in this academic showcase was Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si., Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer at BINUS University, who served as one of the panelists during the crucial presentation segment of the competition.

Prof. Juneman, alongside Dr. Ir. Yohannes Kurniawan, S.Kom., S.E., MMSI., Vice Rector Student Affairs BINUS University, undertook the role of evaluating the candidates as they presented their meticulously prepared scholarly works. Each participant was allotted a total of ten minutes—five for presenting their Scientific Paper (Karya Tulis Ilmiah, KTI) and another five for a question-and-answer session. Prof. Juneman’s academic and research expertise significantly contributed to the depth of the discussions, challenging the candidates to defend their research and methodologies while also considering their potential impact on society and technology.

The presence of an esteemed researcher like Prof. Juneman on the panel not only heightened the event’s academic rigor but also provided the candidates with invaluable insights into the realm of research and innovation. His role was pivotal in shaping a constructive and critically engaging environment that allowed each candidate to showcase their work effectively. After going through all the series of PILMAPRES events, the results of the University level PILMAPRES held by BINUS University are as follows: BINUS Favorite Outstanding Student (MAWAPRES) 2024 is Matthew Christian Dermawan from BINUS Business School and BINUS Best Outstanding Student (MAWAPRES) 2024 is Aurelia Bianca Hanjaya from Faculty of Digital Communication and Hotel & Tourism

#PILMAPRES2024 #BINUSUniversity #AcademicExcellence #StudentAchievement #InnovationInEducation #ResearchAndDevelopment #LiveStreamedEvent #FutureLeaders #BINUSTV #ZoomEvents

Haryo Sutanto