Fostering Academic Collaboration: A Study Visit between STIK LEMDIKLAT POLRI and BINUS University

On Monday, April 1st, 2024, a significant academic exchange was undertaken between STIK LEMDIKLAT POLRI and BINUS University, held in the Big Board Room, 2nd Floor, Anggrek Campus of BINUS University. This study visit is aimed at fostering a mutual understanding and exploring collaborative opportunities in the realm of police science research and journal management. The delegation from STIK LEMDIKLAT POLRI was led by Brigjen Pol. Sofyan Nugroho, Waket Bidang PPTIK STIK Lemdiklat Polri, and included esteemed members such as KBP. Dr. Arnapi, Kabagjian Minpol Bidang PPITK; KBP Hendra Gunawan, S.I.K., M.Si., Peneliti Madya TK. I; ⁠Prof. Dr. Lindrianasari, Dosen STIK; ⁠Dr. Vita Mayastinasari, Editor in Chief Jurnal Ilmu Kepolisian; and KBP. Dr. Bernard Sibarani, S.I.K., M.Si., Kalemkermadalugri Bid. Kermadianmas, illustrating a strong commitment to advancing their academic and research capabilities, particularly in elevating the accreditation level of their police science journals.

BINUS University welcomed the delegation with a robust representation from its academic and research leadership, including Dr. Nelly, M.M., the Rector of BINUS University; Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, M.Si., Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer; Prof. Dr. Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, M.M., Vice Rector Academic Development; Dr. Nurlina, M.M., Senior Manager of Research Office and her team. The meeting facilitated an in-depth discussion on best practices in research management and technology transfer, aiming to enhance the scholarly output and journal accreditation standards within the field of police science.

Furthermore, the visit to the Research and Technology Transfer Office on the 7th floor provided the STIK LEMDIKLAT POLRI team with a firsthand view of the operational dynamics of BINUS University’s RTTO. This experience offered practical knowledge on the integration of research, technology transfer, and the publication process, essential for the development of a sustainable and impactful research ecosystem within STIK LEMDIKLAT POLRI.

#PoliceScience #ResearchCollaboration #AcademicExchange

Haryo Sutanto