Fostering Quality Research Culture for Societal Impact: A Call for Open Science Initiatives

The growth of reputable international scientific publications from Indonesian universities and research institutions needs to be enhanced, not only in terms of quantity but also quality. The improvement in scientific publications resulting from quality research is expected to have an impact on the development of science and technology as well as national development. According to Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, M.Si., Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer at Binus University, performance indicators are crucial benchmarks. Within the university, there are targets for the number of publications, patents, citations, and intellectual property rights.

However, he warns against making these indicators the sole objectives, as it may hinder the development of a research and scientific culture. Juneman emphasizes the importance of ensuring that science serves the welfare of society, rather than solely pursuing numbers inflated by superficial publications. He suggests that universities should formulate indicators that better reflect the complexity of research outcomes, beyond mere numbers of patents or publications. This is because science that contributes tangibly to society’s well-being is more robust and tested.

Prof. Juneman advocates for the cultivation of a research culture characterized by creativity and dialogue. The goal is to make research outcomes popular and accessible to the general public. He emphasizes that publication is not a one-time task but an ongoing dialogue. Therefore, open science initiatives are essential to facilitate dialogue on published papers or publications, ensuring broader engagement and impact within society.

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Haryo Sutanto