Insightful Exploration into BRIN Research Funding Schemes and Collaboration Opportunities

Insightful Exploration, hosted at the Auditorium Lantai 4 of BINUS University’s Anggrek Campus, served as a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange research and innovation. Opening the event, Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, M.Si., Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer at BINUS University, emphasized the university’s commitment to fostering research partnerships. Notable figures from academia, such as Stephen Wahyudi Santoso, BSE, MSIST, CBDMP, President of BINUS Higher Education & Professional Services, Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, M.M., Prof. Idris Gautama, M.M., Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Hardijanto Saroso, M.MT., M.M., and Dr. Nurlina, M.M. brought their expertise to enrich the discourse as important observers, underscoring the significance of the event.

Despite the absence of Dr. Ajeng Arum Sari, Direktur Pendanaan Riset dan Inovasi from BRIN, her delegation, led by Nungki Indrianti, SE., MA, Koordinator Pelaksana Fungsi Pendanaan Riset dan Inovasi untuk Litbangjirap dan sekaligus Koordinator langsung dari skema RIIM-Kompetisi,  effectively represented BRIN’s interests and initiatives. The diverse array of speakers from BRIN, including Prof. Dr. drh. NLP Indi Dharmayanti, Kepala Organisasi Riset Kesehatan,  Ir Tri Puji Priyatno M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D., Kepala Pusat Riset Peternakan, Organisasi Riset Pertanian dan Pangan, Dr. Nawawi, Kepala Pusat Riset Kependudukan, Organisasi Riset Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Humaniora, Puji Lestari, MSi., Ph.D., Kepala Organisasi Riset Pertanian dan Pangan,  Dr. Agus Eko Nugroho, S.E.M.Appl.Econ., Kepala Organisasi Riset Tata Kelola Pemerintahan, Ekonomi, dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat and R. Praditya Priyanto, Pengelola Data Direktorat dan pelaksanaan Pendanaan Riset dan Inovasi, highlighted various research domains, from health and agriculture to governance and social sciences. Each speaker provided valuable insights into ongoing research efforts, emphasizing the importance of collaborative endeavors in addressing contemporary societal challenges.

Under the adept moderation of Prof. Dr. Eng. Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Dean of the BINUS ASO School of Engineering, the event facilitated fruitful discussions and networking opportunities among attendees. In this instance, Prof. Juneman also presented the book “Melawan Korupsi Ilmu: Trajektori Sains Terbuka dan Psikoinformatika” as an offering from BINUS University to BRIN. This signifies a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship between the two entities. The event served as a beacon for fostering research excellence and innovation.

#Insightful Exploration #NgulikBareng #ResearchCollaboration #Innovation #SocietalImpact

Haryo Sutanto