Binus University Research Grant: Empowering Faculty Members

Binus University, renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, hosted a crucial online event on December 21, 2023. This significant gathering aimed to disseminate essential information regarding the various research grant schemes available at the university, providing a platform for Binus Faculty Members to maximize their potential in harnessing these research grants effectively.

Led by esteemed speakers Ridhwan Bugiansyah Rasid, S.E., S.Kom., Section Head of Research Planning and Implementation, and Elioenai Sitepu, Ph.D., Section Head of Research Product and Commercialization, both from the Research and Technology Transfer Office, Binus University, the online socialization session was a pivotal moment for faculty members keen on exploring and utilizing the research grants offered by the institution.

The opening speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si., Vice Rector Research and Technology Transfer Binus University, set the tone for the session. Prof. Abraham emphasized the importance of these research grants in empowering the faculty members to delve deeper into their research interests, driving innovation, and contributing meaningfully to their respective fields. Dr. Nurlina, M.M., Senior Manager at the Research and Technology Transfer Office, graced the event as an observer, underscoring the significance and weightage of the initiative.

The core purpose of this socialization event was to disseminate comprehensive knowledge about the various schemes encompassed within the Binus University Research Grant. These schemes are tailored to accommodate diverse research needs, ensuring that faculty members have access to resources that align with their specific areas of interest and expertise. The online socialization event served as a beacon of knowledge and opportunity, illuminating the path for Binus Faculty Members to harness the full potential of the available research grants, furthering the university’s commitment to academic excellence and innovation.

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Haryo Sutanto