Academic Workshop on Accreditation of Scientific Journals – Higher Education Services Institution III

In support of enhancing the quality and governance of nationally accredited scientific journals, the Higher Education Services Institution for Region III organized an event titled “Academic Workshop on Accreditation of Scientific Journals.” The workshop took place at the Main Campus of Mercu Buana University on Wednesday, December 6, 2023.

Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si., CIRR, who also serves as the Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer, was the keynote speaker addressing the topic of “Assessment of Substantive Aspects” during the event.

The objective of this activity is to increase the number of accredited scientific journals within the higher education environment in the DKI Jakarta area and its surroundings. Consequently, there will be a greater availability of reliable academic resources that can be utilized for advancing knowledge and community service. This initiative represents a form of fostering and empowering society through scholarly products.

For more details of the event please visit

#akreditasi jurnal ilmiah, #arjuna, #narasumberakreditasi

Haryo Sutanto