Research Assistance and Research Grant of Bank of Indonesia

In a significant move aimed at advancing research in digitalization, green economy, and central banking, Bank Indonesia Institute has extended an invitation to lecturers and students from several prominent Indonesian universities to participate in a research assistance and grant program. The initiative seeks to drive interdisciplinary research and promote knowledge dissemination in these crucial fields.

The event was the Signing of the Dissemination of Research Outcomes, Promotion of Research Programs, and Public Lectures and was hosted at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, on August 29, 2023. Distinguished participants included Mr. Yoga Affandi, Ph.D., the Head of Bank Indonesia Institute; Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, M.Si., Vice Rector Research and Technology Transfer Binus University; and Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, S.T., M.Phil., Vice Rector for Partnerships, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Business, Hasanuddin University were among leaders from UGM, UI, Unpad, Unair, IITB, and IPB.

Mr. Yoga Affandi, Ph.D., invited lecturers and students from BINUS University and other esteemed institutions to engage in research to promote research and innovation aligned with Indonesia’s economic and environmental objectives. The Research Assistance program aids undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students in their final assignments, while the Bank Indonesia Research Grant empowers lecturers to pursue interdisciplinary research for academic and practical insights.

A symbolic signing ceremony for the Cooperation Agreement for the Expansion of Research Assistance was formalized by Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, representing BINUS University and acting under the mandate of the university’s Rector, Mrs. Dr. Nelly, M.M., CSCA, to emphasize the dedication to expanding research assistance programs. This initiative is expected to stimulate research activities, empower students and educators, and contribute to sustainable economic growth and environmental conservation in Indonesia.

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Haryo Sutanto