Benchmark Study to Universitas Brawijaya

Binus University’s Research and Technology Transfer (RTT Binus) and Brawijaya University (UB) jointly organized a benchmark study on innovation and business incubation. Held at Brawijaya University’s campus in Malang, the event aimed to foster knowledge sharing among experts and promote community empowerment through innovation.

The participants from RTT Binus included Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Vice Rector of Research and Technology Transfer, Dr. Noerlina N, S.Kom., M.M., CDMS., Research and Technology Transfer Office Senior Manager, and Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si., Research Interest Group Leader, among others. UB was represented by prominent figures such as Mohammad Iqbal, S.sos, M.IB., DBA, Director of Innovation and Business Incubator Directorate, Sri Palupi Prabandari, SE , MM., Ph.D., Secretary of Innovation and Business Incubator Directorate, Dias Satria, SE., M.App.Ec., Ph.D., The Head of Innovation Center, Dr. Dian Eka Ratnawati, S.Si., M.Kom., The Head of Sentra HKI Center and Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam, SE., MBA., The Head of Incubator Center.

The benchmark study event not only served as a platform for knowledge sharing but also strengthened the collaboration between Binus University and Brawijaya University, fostering a harmonious and productive relationship between the two institutions. Participants expressed their appreciation for the knowledge-sharing opportunity, vowing to apply the insights gained to their respective research, technology transfer, and business incubation efforts. The commitment to empowering society through innovation and entrepreneurship was reaffirmed, paving the way for a more progressive and impactful future.

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Haryo Sutanto