Research Discussion at Binus University @Bandung and Field-Trip to Keladi Tikus Farm

On July 17 2023 in Bandung, West Java, Binus University’s Research and Technology Transfer office arrived for a significant research discussion at Binus University @Bandung. The participants gathered in a well-appointed conference room, each bringing their expertise and passion to the table. Among the distinguished attendees were Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, the Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer at Binus University, Dr. Nurlina, M.M., Senior Manager Research and Technology Transfer Office Binus University and Dr. Johan Muliadi Kerta, the Campus Director of Binus University @Bandung.

Binus University Bandung team was led by Dr. Johan Muliadi Kerta, the Campus Director of Binus University @Bandung. Dr. Rudy Aryanto, the Deputy Campus Director, responsible for academics, research, and student development, radiated a keen interest in fostering collaborative initiatives. Additionally, Mr. Ono Supriadi, Ph.D. and Dr. Rachmi Kumala Widyasari, from the Creativepreneurship and Interior Design Departments, respectively, brought unique perspectives and potential research opportunities to the discussion.

During the session, the teams shared research insights, discussed ongoing projects, and identified areas for potential collaboration. They explored various interdisciplinary research possibilities that could address societal challenges and make a meaningful impact. The fruitful research discussion set the stage for the next day’s adventure – a field trip to Keladi Tikus Farm on 18th July 2023. The farm visit was a courtesy gesture, allowing the Binus University research team to witness firsthand the exciting developments taking place at the farm and to develop planning for the next advancement.
#researchdiscussion #keladitikus #BINUSUNIVERSITY #BINUSIAN #BINUSRESEARCH #fosteringandempowering

Haryo Sutanto