Binus Joint International Conference: The 5th ICOBAR 2023

The 5th International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR) was organized by the Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) Binus University. Held on 27 June 2023, the conference provided a platform for researchers, academicians, and industry professionals from around the world to come together and discuss the latest advancements in sustainable science and technology innovation. With its focus on harnessing digital technologies, the conference aimed to explore ways to foster and empower society towards a harmonious biosphere.

The event commenced with an opening speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D., the Vice Rector RTT Binus University. He emphasized the importance of sustainable development and the role of digital technologies in achieving a harmonious biosphere. Following Prof. Mursitama, Dr. rer.nat. Ditdit Nugeraha Utama, MMSI, Chairperson of ICOBAR, delivered a speech highlighting the conference’s objectives and the significance of collaboration between academia, industry, and society.

The conference featured distinguished keynote speakers who shared their expertise and insights on various topics related to biospheric harmony & sustainable innovation. Afriyanti Sumboja, Ph.D., from ITB, Indonesia, delivered a thought-provoking speech on renewable energy technologies & their potential for driving sustainable development in Indonesia. Dr. Hargo Utomo, M.B.A., from UGM, Indonesia, discussed the importance of social entrepreneurship in addressing environmental challenges. Prof. Esyin Chew from Cardiff University, Wales, delivered a keynote address on the integration of digital technologies in environmental conservation & sustainable resource management. Dr. Katarina Streit from Wageningen & Research University, Netherlands, focused on the role of agricultural innovation in achieving sustainable food systems.

Throughout the conference, participants engaged in lively discussions, exchanging ideas and experiences, and fostering collaborations. The online format of the conference allowed for global participation, enabling researchers and professionals from diverse backgrounds to connect and contribute to the discourse on biospheric harmony.

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Haryo Sutanto