How to Create and Build Sustainable Research Accordance with Scientific Field

Research and Technology Transfer Office, in collaboration with Binus Corporate Learning and Development, organized an enlightening event titled “How to Create & Build Sustainable Research Accordance with the Scientific Field.” The event aimed to provide researchers with insights and strategies for establishing and maintaining sustainable research practices aligned with the scientific field. Held at Binus University, the event featured Dr. Nesti Sianipar, S.P., M.Si., the esteemed Head of the Food Biotechnology Research Center, as the keynote speaker.

The event commenced with an enthusiastic gathering of researchers, academicians, and students, all eager to gain valuable knowledge and guidance on sustainable research practices. Dr. Nesti Sianipar, known for her expertise and contributions in the field of food biotechnology, began her keynote address by emphasizing the importance of collaboration with other researchers. She highlighted that sustainable research requires a multidisciplinary approach and the pooling of resources, knowledge, and expertise from different individuals and institutions.

The second key aspect discussed was the significance of publishing research in reputable journals. Dr. Sianipar elaborated on the criteria used to assess the credibility and impact factor of journals. She emphasized the need to select reputable publishers that adhere to rigorous peer-review processes and maintain high publication standards. She also provided valuable insights into manuscript preparation, highlighting the importance of clear and concise writing, adherence to formatting guidelines, and thorough proofreading.

Dr. Sianipar also emphasized the importance of defining the research area and establishing a strong research agenda. She explained that researchers must identify their research niche and set clear objectives to drive their work forward effectively. She encouraged the audience to stay updated with the latest advancements and trends in their respective fields, as this knowledge would enable them to contribute meaningfully and identify relevant research gaps.

The event was a resounding success, leaving participants inspired and motivated to enhance their research practices. The Q&A session following Dr. Sianipar’s presentation allowed attendees to seek further clarification on specific topics and engage in insightful discussions. Dr. Sianipar’s expertise and guidance provided attendees with practical strategies to foster collaborations, publish in reputable journals, and define their research areas. The event served as a catalyst for researchers to embark on their journey towards sustainable research and contribute to the advancement of their respective scientific fields.

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Haryo Sutanto