How to Use Mendeley Citation

To nurture the research capabilities of BINUS students, Research and Technology Transfer Office (RTTO) organized an enriching workshop on May 23, 2023, focused on the proficient use of Mendeley Reference Manager. With a strong emphasis on literature search, citation management, and the exploration of new research, the workshop aimed to equip participants with valuable skills and knowledge essential for their academic pursuits.

The workshop featured esteemed speaker Mr. Christian Harito, Ph.D., BINUS Faculty Member from Industrial Engineering Department. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Dr. Harito delivered engaging sessions, sharing valuable insights and practical tips to empower the participants in mastering Mendeley Reference Manager. His expertise and passion for research proved instrumental in creating a dynamic and enriching learning environment for all attendees.

The session commenced with an engaging introduction to Mendeley Reference Manager, providing a comprehensive overview of its features and benefits. Participants were introduced to the platform’s user-friendly interface, which simplifies the process of importing, organizing, and annotating research papers. Through interactive exercises and practical demonstrations, participants gained hands-on experience in efficiently citing sources using Mendeley Reference Manager’s built-in citation generator. The workshop emphasized the importance of accurate referencing and showcased various citation styles commonly employed in academia. Participants learned advanced search strategies to optimize their research process, ensuring they acquire the most relevant and up-to-date scholarly resources.

By equipping young researchers with essential skills in literature search, citation management, and research collaboration, the workshop has undoubtedly contributed to the development of a highly competent research community. RTTO remains committed to fostering the growth of young researchers and plans to organize similar workshops in the future to address the evolving needs of the research community.

Public Engagement and Outreach
Research and Technology Transfer Office

#mendeleyworkshop #BINUSUNIVERSITY #BINUSIAN #BINUSRESEARCH #fosteringandempowering

Haryo Sutanto