Research Schemes on Magister Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Event

Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) Binus University organized socialization event for Research Schemes on Magister Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation for Kemdikbud Grant on 1 April 2023 at Binus University JWC Campus. The event aimed to inform students of Doctor of Research in Management (DRM Binus) about the research schemes and socialize the new mechanism about the schemes.

The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D., Vice Rector Research and Technology Transfer, Dr. Nurlina, M.M., Research & Technology Transfer Office Senior Manager, and Erma Lusia, S.Pd., M.Par. Research Strategy & Policy Manager. The speakers shared their knowledge and experience in research schemes and discussed the new mechanism regarding the schemes.

Binus University is always fostering and empowering the society, and this event is one of their efforts to support the students in their research journey. The event provided an excellent opportunity for the students to learn about the different research schemes available and understand the new mechanism. This knowledge will help them in their research and academic journey.

The event held by RTT Binus University was a successful initiative. It achieved its purpose of informing and socializing the new mechanism about the research schemes to the students. The event’s impact on the students’ research and academic journey is expected to be significant, and it will contribute to Binus University’s vision of empowering society.
Public Engagement and Outreach
Research and Technology Transfer Office


Haryo Sutanto