One-on-One Patent Drafting

On 4 April 2023, Research and Technology Transfer Binus University, together with Binus ASO School of Engineering and Binus Corporate Learning and Development, organized a One-on-One Patent Drafting event at Binus ASO School of Engineering (BASE). The event was the continuation of the Seminar on Patent Drafting Strategies previously and aimed to provide participants with an opportunity to experience patent drafting with authorized patent examiners from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The event also aimed to increase participants’ awareness of patent drafting regulations, procedures, and conditions and to educate them on patents as one of the intellectual property rights features.

The event was advised by four authorized patent examiners from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, namely Nico Endriarko Soelistyono, S.T., Yoko Setianto, S.T. M.Si., Yuristiana Yudianti, S.H., and Raden Gitta Ferindra, S.T. The examiners were greeted by Dr. Nurlina, M.M. Research Strategy and Policy, Research and Technology Transfer Office. The event moderator was Elioenai Sitepu, Ph.D., the Section Head of Research Product and Commercialization. The participants of the event were selected researchers Ir. Winda Astuti, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Muhammad Zacky Asy’ari, M.Sc. from Binus ASO School of Engineering, Dr. Ir. Oki Setyandito, ST., M.Eng., IPM., from Civil Engineering, and Dr. Nesti F. Sianipar, M.Si. and Khoirunnisa Assidqi, M.Si. from Food Technology

Binus University is known for its commitment to fostering and empowering society. The One on One Patent Drafting event is a demonstration of the university’s dedication to educating the community on intellectual property rights, which are crucial for protecting inventions and fostering innovation. By collaborating with authorized patent examiners, Binus University provides a unique learning opportunity that enables participants to draft patents in accordance with the latest regulations, procedures, and conditions. Overall, the event’s success reflects Binus University’s commitment to empowering society through education and technology transfer.
Public Engagement and Outreach
Research and Technology Transfer Office


Haryo Sutanto