RoSaNa: Robotic Arm Technology in Serving Meatballs Dish

Researchers: Rinda Hedwig, Trias Septyoari Putranto, Farah Levyta, Dendy Rosman, Ivan Alexander, Johan Yapson [RIG PCS and Hotel Management Binus University], Nevin, Ade Septian Alfianto, Louis Putra Purnama, Ivan Tanra [USC Ukrida]
RoSaNa (Robot Saji Makanan – Food Serving Robot) is a joint research between USC UKRIDA and RIG Photonic and Computer Systems Binus University with Hotel Management Study Program Binus University for meatballs dish preparation. This collaboration leads into a ‘collaborative robot’ programmed to be able to serve food, which is in this prototype is meatballs dish.
This robotic arm is mounted on a table specially designed to serve meatballs. The robotic arm and the control system on the table communicate each other to let the arm acknowledges the profile of the table. The meatballs dish is the creation of lecturers and students of the Hotel Management Study Program through their chosen ingredients. RoSaNa would be demonstrated on 27-28 February and put on an exhibition of “Meatball Selling” on 1-10 March 2023 at Binus University Anggrek Campus, Jakarta.
This robotic arm is not built specifically to serve meatballs and it can be developed to do other food serving with a customized table design. The collaboration between the two institutions has been established since 2021 by producing several research that are donated to society to foster and empower them.
For more information about RoSaNa or other research collaborations, Research and Technology Transfer Office Binus University is available to reach at
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