ANU Indonesia Project and SMERU Research Institute Research Grants 2021 [Call For Proposal]

Offered by the ANU Indonesia Project, in collaboration with the SMERU Research Institute, the Research Grants fund innovative, important and high-quality research projects conducted by Indonesian and Australian researchers. Indonesian researchers at an Indonesian university or research institute conducting research in the following areas are invited to apply (i) Trade and Industry, (ii) Politics and Governance, (iii) Agriculture, Resources and the Environment, (iv) Social Policy and Human Capital. To facilitate research related to COVID-19 response and recovery, this year we also strongly encourage proposals from three key areas: (i) Health Security; (ii) Stability; and (iii) Economic Recovery. To be considered for the grant, applications must have at least one co-applicant at an Australian university or research institute.
Topics of the proposals should fall into one of the ANU Indonesia Project research themes including:
- Trade and Industry,
- Politics and Governance,
- Agriculture, Resources and the Environment,
- Social Policy and Human Capital.
In response to COVID-19, this year we also strongly encourage proposals related to
- Health Security;
- Stability; and
- Economics Recovery.
We also strongly encourage research that has a gender or social inclusion dimension.
Submission details
Applications close on 31 March 2021. Applicants will be notified by the end of April 2021.
Proposals can be submitted to the ANU Indonesia Project via
For more information please contact
Sarah Dong
or visit our website at