Another Level of Achievement: It is the Will, Not the Skill

Haryo Sutanto, Tirta Nugraha Mursitama

Workshop Penelitian dan Publikasi Perguruan Tinggi Gotong Royong is an event to encourage and assist researchers in mutual cooperation and benefits. It encourages and assits researchers to have a research and submit the scientific paper on scientific journals or publication, mainly on Scopus-indexed journal.

The Workshop was held in The Lounge of Bina Nusantara University, Anggrek Campus in Jakarta on 30 November 2018 at 09:00 – 18:00. The Workshop is organized by the Gotong Royong Networking (Mutual Cooperation and Benefits Networking). The Workshop provided experience-sharing from excellent researchers such as, Prof. Ir. Bahtiar Saleh Abbas, Ph.D., ‘Advisor of Research and Technology Transfer’, Prof. Dr. Tirta N. Mursitama, Ph.D., Vice Rector Research and Technology Transfer, Mr. WeeLi Lim, Solution Manager, Elsevier Research Intelligence, Prof. Dr. Widodo Budiharto, M.Kom., Professor and Senior Researcher at School of Computer Science and Doctoral Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Sasmoko, M.Pd., Research Interest Group Education Technology.

Prof. Tirta, as the host of the Workshop, gave the first sharing to Prof. Bahtiar to expose his timeless experience on leading Research and Technology Transfer Bina Nusantara University. Mr. WeeLi delivered some tips on how submitted scientific paper published on Scopus-index journal. Prof. Widodo put on his experience-sharing on how to write scientific paper and publication and Prof. Sasmoko delivered his idea of neuroresearch, the new alternative for mixed-method research.

The participants of the Workshop are the researchers from Bina Nusantara University and other various universities and colleges in Indonesia. They are Muhamad Kuryanto, S.T., M.T., of Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak, Dwi Marisa Efendi, S.Kom., M.TI., of STMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Kotabumi,  Ferly Ardhy, S.Kom., M.TI., STMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Kotabumi, Lisnawaty, S.T., M.T., of Institut Teknologi Medan (ITM), M. Al’ Amin, M.Kom., of STMIK YMI Tegal, Sandi Kosasi, M.M., M.Kom., of STMIK Pontianak, and Nyimas Yanqoritha, S.Si., M.Sc., of Institut Teknologi Medan (ITM).

Bina Nusantara University researchers are Dr. Ford Lumban Gaol, S.Si., M.Kom., Associate Professor Informatics Engineering and Information System, Arik Kurnianto, S.Sn., M.T., Lecturer of Visual Comunication Design, Moch. Faisal, M.A., Ph.D., Lecturer of International Relations,  Religiana Hendarti, M.T., Ph.D., and Ir. Sigit Wijaksono, Lecturers of Architectures, Lili Ayu Wulandhari, M.Sc., Ph.D., Lecturer of Computer Science, Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena, S.Kom., Pgdip.App.Sci. Research Interest Group Bee Embeded, Dr. Nesti F. Sianipar, S.P., M.Si., Research Interest Group Food Biotechnology, Bachtiar H. Simamora, Ph.D., Research Interest Group Performance Excellence, Wikaria Gazali, S.Si., M.T., Lecturer of Mathematic, and Drs. Suroto Adi, M.Sc., D.M.S., Lecturer of Information Systems. Their enthutiasms were shown on Questions and Answers Session of each session of experience-sharing. The duration of a six-hours workshop seemed to be unenough to them.

The researchers from various universities and colleges in Indonesia was really pleased with the sharing. They will work together with Binus reseachers on their scientific papers in mutual cooperation. Hopefully, the scientific papers would be published on Scopus-indexed journals or publications and when that happens, the Workshop proves that it is the will, not the skill that would lead us into another level of achievements.


Photos: Haryo Sutanto

Haryo Sutanto