[Expired] INSINAS Grant Opportunity (Insentif Riset Sistem Inovasi Nasional)

Sistem Inovasi Nasional (SINAS) is a functional unit in which it’s components/aspects interact with each other. SINAS main purpose is to develop national innovation, improve science and technology and increase the research’s competitive level. Reinforcement of of SINAS has become a policy since 2008’s Rakernas (National Working Meeting) and needs to be supported consistently by Kemenristekdikti or Stakeholders

Kemenristekdikti’s contribution in strengthening the quality of SINAS can be seen through their instrument and policy to establish their research budget like Incentive Research Program for National Information Sytem (Insinas) and Industrial Engineering Development Program (PPTI) . INSINAS is a Research Funding Support which was created to strengthen the National Innovation System by improving the synergy, productivity and the Utilization of RnD national resource as it’s main purpose. Meanwhile, PPTI is a program to increase the relevancy and the productivity of Research and Development (RnD) division in order to fullfill the requirement of technology in the industry. Meanwhile Industrial Innovation has a purpose to boost the dowsntream of technology which was resulted from a research and increasing the capacity of industry in making use of Research and Development domestic product.

As one of Kemenristekdikti’s Instrument of Policy. INSINAS program is dedicated to promote and processing researches that would produce an innovation and research product which could be developed even further by PPTI. Insinas program prepares subject matters of a research that could be developed in the next research funding scheme which focuses more on product development that would led to the implementation of research product. INSINAS funding program 2019 will be held by using Pratama Insinas Research Scheme as it’s basis which could be conducted Individually, through Partnership or Consorsium (large group). The theme and topic for INSINAS correspondence with national policies including National Research Main Plan, National Research Priority, RPJMN, Jastranas Science and Technology and Nawacita

Grant Requirement and Criteria
General Requirement:

  1. The format of the proposal should correspond with the guidance book and the submitted budget funding based on the Ministry of Finance Regulation No.69/PMK.02/2018 which refers to the standar output cost of budget year 2019, research sub output;
  2. Proposal and the rest of the research file should be submitted on simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id;
  3. If a lecturer/researcher from university under Kemenristekdikti could contact the SIMLITABMAS operator from their respective university in order to receive their Username and Password. Any Researchers that already get that username and password could login to simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id and submit their proposal;
  4. Researchers who originated from any institution outside of Kemenristekdikti such as LPK, LPNK and Industry and don’t have username and password for simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id should make a proposal to receive their INSINAS account which correspondence with Insinas Program Guidance Book 2019;

Grant Reward
Research Budget refers to the standart output cost/ Sub output. Individual Research (non group/institution) correspond with Basic Research SOC (SBK Riset Dasar) and Applied Research SOC (SBK Riset Terapan), Partnership research corresponds with Applied Research SOC and Developmental Research SOC. Consorsium Research corresponds with Developmental Research SOC.
(90-650 Million IDR Depending on the topic and research scheme)


No Activity Schedule Note
1 Program Announcement and Socialization 1-20 November 2018
2 Proposal Submission 2-20 November 2018 Till 16.00 WIB, 20 November 2018
3 Desk Evaluation 26 November – 7 December 2018 Administrative selection, Substantial Selection and Budget Evaluation
4 Presentation selection 28-29 November 2018 For partnership and consorsium research only
5 Fact Finding December 2018 If needed
6 Arrangement of Funded Proposal January 2019


Source Link

For further detailed information please visit Source Link or contact research@binus.edu