>> 11 2024

On November 28, 2024, the Research and Technology Transfer Office (RTTO) conducted an online workshop titled “Leveraging Scopus.com for Enhanced Scholarly Publication.” This event featured an insightful presentation by Dr. Nanthakumar Loganathan, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The primary objective of the workshop was to equip researchers and academics with the necessary tools and strategies to maximize the impact of their scholarly work through the use of Scopus. Ultimately, the goal was to empower scholars to effectively utilize Scopus in order to enhance their publication efforts and make valuable contributions to the global academic community.

Leveraging Scopus.com for Enhanced Scholarly Publication
Dr. Nanthakumar Loganathan
28 November 2024; 15.00-16.30 WIB

On November 13-14, 2024, Research and Technology Transfer Office (RTTO) organized an online Workshop titled “Navigasi Integritas Akademik: Memahami Etika Penelitian dan Publikasi Sesuai Permendikbudristek No.39/2021 da COPE”. This workshop featured an insightful coaching by Anzaludin, S.P., S.Kom., M.M.S.I, PSM I, as an Ethic Section Head, Research and Technology Transfer, Binus University. The workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles of academic integrity within the realms of research and publication. This workshop will elucidate how the implementation of these ethical standards is governed by pertinent regulations and guidelines. Participants in this workshop are anticipated to develop a profound appreciation for the significance of upholding academic integrity in their research and publication endeavors, enabling them to apply ethical principles in alignment with the relevant regulations and guidelines.

Navigasi Integritas Akademik: Memahami Etika Penelitian dan Publikasi Sesuai Permendikbudristek No.39/2021 dan COPE
Anzaludin, S.P., S.Kom., M.M.S.I, PSM I.
13-14 November 2024; 14.00-15.30 WIB

Research and Technology Transfer Office (RTTO) organized a hybrid Workshop titled “Pra-Workshop Intensif Data Paper Scopus Batch 3” on November 04, 2024 in Anggrek Campus, BINUS University.  This workshop featured an insightful coaching by Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si, the Vice Rector-Research & Technology Transfer at BINUS University. He was the author of the Data Paper and was certified in Data Stewardship for Open Science. In this workshop, Faculty Members (FM) were granted the opportunity to explore various aspects of research data management. Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the importance of maintaining valid and well-structured data to enhance the preparation of scholarly articles intended for publication in Scopus-indexed journals. These competencies were essential in ensuring that the resulting articles not only met rigorous academic standards but also adhered to ethical guidelines in research, including data integrity, transparency, and accountability. Consequently, it was anticipated that FM participants would produce high-quality scholarly work that would significantly contribute to their respective fields of study.

Pra-Workshop Intensif Data Paper Scopus Batch 3
Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si
04 November 2024; 13.30-15.30 WIB